Monday, June 11, 2007

Wuv... TWUU Wuv....

Aaah yes... we women - we love everything Wedding, don't we?! There is a magic that comes to life in the midst of planning for such a memorable, special event... and our romantic hearts get all tied up in the fairytale of it all! Well - let me tell you, if ever there was a Bride worthy of celebration and honor, it is my niece. She is such a treasure, so pure and honest and transparent... so fresh and fun and deserving of happiness and romance. She is like royalty - honestly - among her friends and even among her parents friends - so this Shower was so much fun to prepare for and plan. And the wedding is just two weeks away!!!

I will share a few photo's of our Shower... but mostly I would ask that you all would pray for this young couple in the next several weeks... Pray for great weather, pray that her fiance will arrive on time and that he will have safe travel... pray for a calm rehearsal and a smooth lovely ceremony... pray for the photographer and that we will be able to get the pictures taken in a timely manner so they will have time to visit with their guests for a bit before they rush off to start their honeymoon... pray that they will have an enchanted magical first few weeks of marriage before he is shipped off to his second deployment in Iraq... pray for them both, as they are married, and yet forced to be apart - and all that that may entail!

I encourage you to read their Love Story... you can go to their website at and read all about it... (HINT: Click Refresh on your Browser to see more photo's of the adorable Couple on their website!) They are an honorable beautiful couple full of integrity and grace... and they are so in love... and they have waited for this time, this season, this moment for their entire lives... pray blessings over them and the next few weeks with me! I am sure I will be scrapping soon! Oh - I did make a birthday card the other day... here is that:

Also - I have unofficially started another job... I am (going to be) an assistant to two local Real Estate agents... working from home - in my jammies - doing computer stuff.... not a bad gig at all!

Anyway - the Wedding is now two weeks away with much left to do... I am not sure how much I can help from here... so we may be making a few trips 'there' to Wallyworld!!!

I pray you all are enjoying Summer... tomorrow marks the official start for my dd... Wednesday we will be sleeping IN a bit and hopefully not going anywhere!?
Scrap On!


The Beeler Family said...

Ok, how funny is it that I know exactly where you got the title for this post?! Love that movie!!!

Sweet pictures, looks like a fun shower-with TONS of yummy food. :o)

Praying all goes as planned (or better!) for the wedding.

Anonymous said...

get out of bed & update already, lol!

Anonymous said...

where are you??????

Anonymous said...

waiting for the wedding pictures I know you have...
