Hey there everyone... I am back! Had an AMAZING time in Cali!
I am still catching my breath and processing... and haven't created one thing since before I left! I will get back into the swing of things this week! I have my monthly Crop on Thursday - so I will HAVE to print out some photo's and play a bit at least once this week!
I have picked the line I am going with for my client - so I will be ordering supplies for her album, and working on creating more LOs/Papers for Hoorray.com as well!
I am off to enjoy some sunshine and am taking the lazy way out... I am cut and pasting my update from another blog to fill you in on the writers conference! One of the things I did in preparation was to enter their Writers Contest... the theme was simply the Kingdom of God. I did not win - but included it in my update below! Enjoy and Scrap Happy!
There is a stirring in the Body of Christ.... a growing hunger for more power to be manifest in our lives! In order for this to happen we must learn to flow with God’s Love. Jesus has given us the keys to unlock the Kingdom of God. He has equipped us for every good work which He prepared beforehand for us to walk in – to accomplish with Him – to bring glory to the Father! God has given us the keys that, if we would use them they would enable us to operate in two realms right here, and right now! We have been offered a gift to receive the kingdom, and all that it represents. We have the ability to tap into heavenly realms while operating in earthly realms. The keys, and the Kingdom as Jesus said, really ARE at hand, if we’re willing!
We’re being drawn ever closer to the heart of the Father and are called to release the Kingdom of God into every area of our lives. We’re being called to do this by letting His Love spill out and over in greater levels. As I was praying with the Lord, asking Him about this move of God, He assured me that the Kingdom of God is not like the kingdoms of this world! He said that in the earthly realms, much of life really is like that famous line in the Godfather: “It’s not personal – it’s just business.” However, in the Kingdom of God – it’s not business, it’s just personal! Our God is, first and foremost, a personal God! He is relational and desires to have friendship with us. When we rise up in our intimacy with the Lord, He calls us closer to His heart and shows us the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is not business, it is PERSONAL! Our God desires fellowship and intimacy. When we grow in our friendship with God, He helps us to unlock the realities of Heaven and causes us to see our Authority to pull them from one realm into the other! Look at the story of Mary and Martha. Mary understood that God is Personal, while Martha was all about the Business. Of course the ‘business’ needs to get done, however how much more powerfully and effectively is it done when we do it WITH the Lord, out of intimacy? I have no doubt that if Martha would have also chosen the ‘better part’ of intimacy, the Lord would have accomplished the work that was at hand. In fact, I’m pretty sure that He would’ve rolled his sleeves up and pitched in because He loves to do that! He loves to partner with us in Kingdom work!
In the kingdoms of this earth, ‘business’ is almost expected to be ruthless and cruel. It’s how we get ahead; how we get things done. But when we operate out of the Kingdom of God, Love is our compass and being personal is at the heart of everything we do! As Meg Ryans’ character in You’ve Got Mail said in response to that Godfather quote, “And what's so wrong with being personal, anyway? Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.”
The keys to the Kingdom are Righteousness, Joy, and Peace in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17), and how can we live these out if they are not first built on Love? When we begin to operate in the Love of the Father and freely give it out, we begin to see the Kingdom of God at hand. We begin to see lives changed, hearts healed, minds transformed; we begin to see heaven on earth. We have the joy and honor of tapping into the Kingdom of God for any situation we face right here in the earth, and grabbing hold of the heart of the Father. The next move of God I believe will be the combining of two realms, walking into the kingdoms of this world, and tearing the veil to reveal the Kingdom of our God. Many have stated that this move will be a releasing of the Love of God, and is that not what we all need: a personal revelation that the Kingdom is at hand, for you and for me? It’s not business – it’s personal, because what we really need; what we simply must have, is an ever increasing measure of His abiding love and His abounding grace to fill us to overflowing, and to spill out onto others to reveal His Kingdom and bring glory to the Father!
I just returned from a week at Bethel church in Redding, California! It was amazing... God sent me to a Writer's Conference and all of my favorite authors were there... and as a bonus, it was held at Bethel church! Bethel has this unique atmosphere... you can actually tangibly FEEL the Father's Heart beating for you there! There is a strong sense of community and love... they really DO live in the Kingdom there... and I really DO pray that just by being there, I received an impartation... the Kingdom of God is not business, it's PERSONAL... because HE is personal - and He is especially fond of you!