Saturday, June 28, 2008


Yeah - um - thanks Denice?! LOL?! I suppose this is ONE way to get me to update more than once every week or two?! AND apparently - you think I use too many words or something - so these questions are conveniently rather cut and dry... or so one would think? LOL! Here goes:

What was I doing 10 years ago...
OK - you TOTALLY know I could go pull out my scrapbook from ten years ago and I could tell you almost to the day what I was doing - but I don't think that that is REALLY what you mean?! 10 years ago - let's see... my daughter was only 3 so we were in that fun stage of the Terrible Twos! Yeah - that's right... she went through them a little late. I was a stay at home Mom, living in the same house we live in now... my dh was working at the same place as well - we were attending a different church and super involved there... I'm sure I was sadly a tad bit religious - but praise God that is over now! I know I was probably just starting to get into stamping and card making... I know I was all caught up then too. Yeah - I know! Don't hate me because I'm Beauti... wait - ... you know what I mean!

Five things on today's to do list...
1. Read more of the library book that I am reading at the same time as my hubby... goal #1 - PASS his bookmark! (Sad - I know - but I must finish first for many reasons - mostly though it's because I am a poor book-sharer! LOL!)
2. Go see Matinee to avoid 100 degree heat... (saw Prince Caspian - which was pretty good!)
3. Make Custom Birthday card for customer and get ready to be shipped (turned out pretty sweet - even if I DO say so myself?!)
4. Watch Wimbledon (nice!) &
5. Update this blog thanks to Denice and her Tagging me! (Don't forget to actually go and read my Boise update with all the pix too though!)

Snacks I enjoy...
Right now I am LOVING the Special K Bliss bars - I LOVE the Orange choc and Rasp choc ones! Lovin' the Skinny Dippers (Choc Caramel) from Skinny Cow. Snap Peas and Sweet Red Peppers are yummy to snack on when I want something crunchy - and I am always in love with fresh pineapple, strawberries, and red grapes together! YUM! (When I am not being 'good' - Mint or Peanut Butter Oreos... or cheesecake... oooo- or now - those Avocado Spring Rolls! LOL?!)

Things I would do if I was a millionaire...
I would tell my husband to quit his job immediately and we would go to live in Italy for at least a few months... we would definitely travel... invest for our daughters education and future... buy a house maybe... a new Hybrid car... a new camera! LOL! ...definitely pray about where to give some serious chunks of money... put some away for Retirement as well... sadly - I am sure even with a Million Dollars - the money would go way faster than you would think?! (It always does, doesn't it?!)

Places I have lived...
Pretty much all within a 10-12 mile radius!? LOL! I was born and raised here and have never moved away from my hometown!?

I am SERIOUSLY resisting the urge to add more things to this Tag... it seems so... so... short?! LOL!?

Now it's my turn to tag some bloggers. Let me know when you've posted your answers so I can check them out.

Go ahead ladies, update and then tag someone else:

Oh I finally did get that pile of Boise Pix... so - hopefully this week I will be scrappin' happy getting all caught up again! I was happy to get a fun Custom Order for a b'day card via my Etsy store this afternoon - it was a rush job and that made for a nice little creative adrenaline tonight! I am off to unwind...
Scrap On!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Back from Boise...

OK - so I totally know that I have sort of dropped the ball on the blogging deal... I am blaming it on summer. Why not?! It COULD be true?! Basically - I have just been busy and have also been trying to be on this computer LESS now that my dd is home with me. I am fully aware that my days spent lounging around with her are limited... she is, after all - officially a teenager and whether I remain 'cool' throughout her teen years or not, either way - there will come a day when she will have a job, or move away, or (gasp?) not want to hang with me so much?! So - I am paying closer attention to opportunities to spend with her... and that my friend, sadly effects you - my blog reader?! LOL!? Just call me Bucket, I guess?! At least I am not as bad as Kori?! tee hee?!

So... last time I blogged it was the last day of school and we had yet to have the Family Reunion... our daughter did in fact punk it up a bit just for fun- but much to her dismay - the only person who noticed was Grandma - and all she noticed was that Kaye was wearing make-up?! (Which - she HAS been wearing for some time now?! LOL?!) We had a great time actually - no awkwardness or anything... well - except when my husband casually invited one of his cousins and her whole family to 'stop by' and see our house? OK - um - we have been married for almost 16 years and no one has EVER been invited over... there is always so much going on - and it is always either at his parents' house or at their church... I had the pesky little thought that maybe I should clean my house (as it had been over a week since I really had done much of anything) on that Friday... but I was sitting outside in the sun, reading my book and enjoying my new patio furniture and I just thought "Well - that can't be God - his family has NEVER come by here?!" Yeah - um - it was God?! So - I (think I) maintained calmness until we got into our car to leave... it was after 11 and the next day was Saturday - which meant I had to cook and make a huge salad all morning - and get ready myself ... all of that was planned for and time had been allotted - but what I HADN'T planned for was the frenzied cleaning and picking up - not just upstairs - but EVERYWHERE - because they would want the tour!? Now - honestly - if I had any sort of relationship with these people - I wouldn't have cared. I mean - I am fairly laid back, and while the house DID need a bit of attention, it's never really THAT bad?! Still - I was feeling MIGHTY pms-y and HE seemed annoyed with ME because I wouldn't sit outside on the patio furniture with him in the morning to enjoy a relaxing cup of coffee?! Um... no!? I did that YESTERDAY which is why I am now running around trying to pick up and boil noodles and tear romaine, and put on make-up and (OH CRAP!?) clean up my scrap area?! LOL!? Dave DID clue in and even though the chaos made no sense to him, he did really pitch in with the salad and helped me out! Whew?! I was actually ready when we were supposed to be ready... um - and no - the family never did come by! At least not on Saturday - when I was ready for them?! No - instead, he invites them over AGAIN on Sunday after lunch... whatever!? SATURDAY - all the beds were made and the dishes put away - but on Sunday!? Forget it?! LOL?! Still - they did stop by and they were gracious and nice and we had a good visit! Which - of course, proved his point that I didn't need to stress in the first place?! Overall though - the Reunion was a success! Kaye really hit it off with a couple of the girls that are a bit older than her... and of course, we got a TON of photo's!!! I'm thinking I may to a digi book of the Reunion via Shutterfly... would be a good gift for Dave's Mom maybe?! We'll see?!

So - after THAT... I had a great little lunch out with some girlfriends on my birthday last week - we went to The Taj - a super yummy authentic Indian food restaurant here in town! That is always fun! And then, of course, on Thursday we packed the car and headed to Boise! (Thanks, yet AGAIN, Chuck - for housing us and entertaining us for the weekend!) It was so fun to walk in to the house and find Na and Bucket there scrapping some rockin' (of not over-stamped) cards... no - can you really over-stamp something?! Well - even Na did that, back in the day! LOL! I managed to get two layouts done (WITH Journaling) and still haven't taken photo's of those yet... so that will have to wait! Pork stopped in to celebrate her birthday! Damn girl - you look GREAT for 45!!?! tee hee!
Friday instead of doing Bagels (again - sorry girls?) we relaxed and did very little!? LOL?! I think Dave and I went for a walk and used the workout room... and later we all went to the Pool...
... did we do anything else?! I can't remember?!
Oh yeah - I think you introduced me to this little game:

Saturday, of course - was the Market!
So fun... crowded - and the guys seemed to like to race right through it
- but it was still fun!

Kaye scored at Urban Outfitters... um - on shoes and jeans - nothing else... though it's hard to tell with that store?! Apparently you can score 365 different ways!? We ate at Johnny Macs which was an experience... we went to church and shopped int he bookstore there... and then BBQ'd at home... Darcie and I ran to a lss and looked around real quick... and on Sunday we went to the Mall - where Kaye scored some great deals AGAIN! THEN - we went to The Cheesecake Factory! YUM! I kept hearing Chuck talk about this place over and over... and had never been able to go... and so we worked it so it was a girls lunch date and that was cheaper - and we split an order of the (insert heavenly music here) Avocado Spring Rolls... OH MY GOODNESS?! These are INCREDIBLE!!! Darcie and I also split a pasta dish and we all four split a Raspberry Lemon Cream Cheesecake... yummy - and just enough! Next stop - Archivers. OK - so - I was (as everyone said I would be) a bit disappointed! It was not that impressive!? I am glad I went though... just so I can say I have seen it! I DID find the paper I want to use for my Lunch Box album there... but only ONE sheet?! I will have to have my lss order it in for me!? More waiting... and you KNOW how I love to wait?!!?

So - on Monday the boys went golfing EARLY and that left all the girls home to relax... Darcie and went out for a little bit... Where did we go, you ask?! Well since Chuck is so Ooober organized and on top of things - and I am so very important to her - she WAY made up for completely forgetting my birthday (which was the day before I came to visit her?! LOL!) ...aahh - but make up for it she did! She bought me this little beauty:
I have a hard time picking favorites - so I bought six scents to burn and so far, love them all! LOL! This matches my living room perfectly and is placed in a spot that really helps it to scent the whole house! I LOVE it! Thanks again Chuck! You should forget my birthday more often! So - by Monday afternoon - we were loaded back into the car and headed back for Yak!
Dave had an extra day off of work which was nice, and Kaye started Interns at church - which she LOVES... so - we are all settled back into home... it was great to go and spend time and get a mini vacation in... but it is always nice to come home too!
I have my crop night tonight - which I ordered prints from our Boise trip - but they have yet to arrive - so I have NOTHING to work on... I WAS going to work on cards... but another thing I was introduced to while in Boise was Mexican Train... and we are now addicted... Kayelyn and I play ALL the time and even now, it is set up on the dining room table so we can play! I told Kaye we could play it tonight at my scrap group! LOL?! gee... thanks Darc' more new addictions... Moscato AND Mexican train... nice!?!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer's Official Arrival...

Yes - it is true! Today was my daughters' last day of school... (and last day of Middle School!) She went in for TWO hours... basically to sign yearbooks the whole time... so tomorrow will be our first actual official, we-get-to-sleep-in, boy-I-hope-I-CAN, lay-around-the-house-in-our-jammy day! Now, you would think that the last day of school would have a gorgeous sunny sky, short wearing type of feel to it, wouldn't you? Well - not here... not today! We were featured in jeans and sweatshirts... it was SNOWING over the pass today?! Is this not JUNE in the freakin' DESERT!? Whatever... it's over... so that is good! I know I can't really complain when you think of the wacky weather that is wreaking havoc elsewhere in the States... a bit of a chinook wind in June is fine, really... I'll take that and stop whining! Yesterday, rather than go on the Field Trip for her entire 7th grade class to a close-by town to go swimming - she and two of her bff's skipped the trip - and all the drama - and stayed in town and swam at a friends house! It was low key and nice and required no sweaty bus trip out of town, no Plastic/Girl drama, and no boys! LOL! What's not to love?!

So, it's been pointed out to me that I have been MIA here for a bit... NINE days if you ask Chuck! I was sort of waiting for Kay to respond to winning the RAK but apparently she is busy making SWAP pages or something?! I have no real exciting stories to share or even many new projects really... just life stuff happening: wrapping up the school year, working in the garden, scrapping a little, getting the patio summer-ready...

Here are a few shots of the garden:

It's a small garden - but we have it packed full! We went out and bought some new patio furniture over the weekend... My Honey built the coffee table and we wanted some comfy stylish rod iron chairs to go with it... got rid of the big glass top table since we rarely ate at it - and we wanted a more casual conversation spot instead! I am happy with it and can see us really using this little space (and enjoying the garden) all the more now!

Here are a few samples of the finished project for the Ranch:

I did order and get those concert and birthday pictures and did some old school scrappin' with them... here are those Layouts:

I am still going strong with SparkPeople... I weigh in on Thursday but I am fairly confident I will have met my first major goal in weight loss! I think my reward will be a new tennis racket! I am still wanting to learn how to play! Well - I know the rules and love the game... but making my body obey my head is still an issue! LOL! I KNOW that I need to follow through with my swing - but seem to constantly stop as soon as the ball connects with the strings?! This, I know, lends itself to my - um - problems!? LOL! But still - even though I know it is in my head, I seem to think that if I get a nicer racket, instead of the old yard sale Chris Everet Wood racket, then my game will automatically improve!? I know it is probably not true, but the other benefit of getting a newer racket, is maybe I will actually USE it and get some lessons - or at least get out and practice what I know a bit more!? I need to set another 'short term' goal... I think I will set it at 25 pounds... and hopefully by then I will be ready for some new clothes! That will be my reward then, I think!

Anyway - this weekend is my husband's family reunion. I adore my immediate in-laws... I really do! I am blessed and get along great with his parents and all his siblings and their spouses and kids... and really, I also get along with most if not all of the others - but my first experience at one of these Family Reunions was not a good one... I am sure it didn't help that he comes from a long lineage of Christians and we were living together, unmarried and all... however, it was - let's just say - not a welcome committee that cornered me in the kitchen!? Anyway - we have come a long way since then - AND we've been married now for nearly 16 years! LOL! - but still, I get a bit anxious. I am sure it will be fine... it always is!? Our daughter is now old enough to realize that this is sort of a strange gathering... and, well - she is like my sister and is already planning her punk fashion statement just for the shock value and sheer joy of seeing the reactions?! LOL!? And - even though I know I probably SHOULD stop her... (and my hubby probably WILL), ya gotta love her spunk, man!

Kaye is signing up to do Interns at our church this summer. When she first said that she wanted to do this... I was not as excited as I should have been! The past several years it has cost a couple hundred dollars and they are in class from 8am-9pm 4 days a week - with a long lunch break in between that they need transportation to and from... all summer long!? Yes, I said EIGHT A. M. !?!?! ALL SUMMER LONG?! Now - I know that I am the Grown Up - and I should be encouraging her to step out and do this... but I just didn't have it in me... I didn't tell her she couldn't - but I did tell her she'd better pray and make sure she really wanted to do this! LOL! She prayed -and we found out a couple of days ago that the cost has gone WAY done (only $25) and it is only ONCE a week, from 1pm- 9pm... whew?! MUCH more doable!!! LOL! We get to sleep in (as if I am still able to 'sleep in' anymore anyway?!) The only glitch is that it is on the same day as her Tennis Lessons... we haven't talked with the coach to see if he plans to continue on through the summer or not... or if he is going to switch days... but hopefully it will all work out so she won't have to quit lessons completely!?

So - I am working on gathering some photo's that I have not yet scrapped to bring with me when I go to Boise... It would be nice to have SOMETHING to scrapbook with me when I go... it's hard for me to not do them once I have the photo's printed - so I am waiting to order them until later this week!? LOL!? (And then I will pray that they get here in time?!) Yeah - I know... I have a problem!

Until next time (which hopefully won't be another NINE days - but I promise nothing as it IS now summer break?!)

Scrap Happy!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

...and the Winner is....

OK - it is time to not only post the Winner of the RAK, but also upload a few photo's of PROOF! I did, in fact, scrap during our online crop! (I usually just chat and not really let anyone else get work done?! It's more funner that way!?!) Still - I TOLD you so!!! LOL!

I finished the book last night and just need to have it bound... (Yes, Denice - it is Zutter, and I do LOVE it! I don't own one though - I use the one at our lss!!!) Once I get it bound and tie all the fun ribbons on it - I will take a photo and upload it here!

I also went out yesterday and took a ton of photo's at a local non-profit Ranch that reaches out to disadvantaged kids in our community... they are a new ministry and asked me to come out during one of their sessions and take some photographs for them to put together a flyer! (I was hoping I got to put the flyer together too, but they already had it lined up!) Anyway - here are a few shots from that outing:

Dave is oout of town this weekend... he went with one of his best friends from high school to go see RUSH at the Gorge... and they camped out overnight and are fishing this morning before returning home! I am so glad he got to do this and I hope that they had a BLAST!!! Kaye and I enjoyed a shopping trip together yesterday - she got me to try on all sorts of things I would never actually buy?! LOL?! But - I did end up buying three new summer tops and one pair of khaki bermuda's - all in that (temporary) smaller size! WoOt!

So... the RAK - well, I put the names (minus Chuck*) in a bowl and drew out a name... and so - the Winner is: Kay (kdedid)!!! (It's like you are psychic or something?!) My daughters' WHOLE first name is Kayelyn... and we are both married to Daves' - but I did only put your name in once! LOL! Congrats - um - maybe I should hold this little RAK prize hostage until you send me the SWAP pages?! I got Denices' - (and she was right - they TOTALLY ROCK!!! You all are gonna LOVE them!)... Mine, of course, are all done as well! Apparently Denice and I are not only BFFs - but we are also both OverAcheivers!? LOL! Go Figure!? So - no pressure, Kay!? LOL!? Get me your mailing address via SparkMail and I will ship these pretty Chipboard Letters off to you!

Now that I finished that Donation Album (which goes to the Ranch!), I have birthday pictures and Carrie Underwood pictures to scrap! So - maybe this afternoon, while I have the house gloriously to myself, I will scrap!? (Oh Darcie - I will bring SOMETHING to work on! I still have that Lunch box album, remember?! I will get to work on that so I have something to do!? LOL!)

Scrap On!

*Chuck - you are SO going to have to PROVE this... send me a link to your SparkPage girlie... and if you do - I have a SPECIAL surprise for you!!!