Sunday, June 01, 2008

...and the Winner is....

OK - it is time to not only post the Winner of the RAK, but also upload a few photo's of PROOF! I did, in fact, scrap during our online crop! (I usually just chat and not really let anyone else get work done?! It's more funner that way!?!) Still - I TOLD you so!!! LOL!

I finished the book last night and just need to have it bound... (Yes, Denice - it is Zutter, and I do LOVE it! I don't own one though - I use the one at our lss!!!) Once I get it bound and tie all the fun ribbons on it - I will take a photo and upload it here!

I also went out yesterday and took a ton of photo's at a local non-profit Ranch that reaches out to disadvantaged kids in our community... they are a new ministry and asked me to come out during one of their sessions and take some photographs for them to put together a flyer! (I was hoping I got to put the flyer together too, but they already had it lined up!) Anyway - here are a few shots from that outing:

Dave is oout of town this weekend... he went with one of his best friends from high school to go see RUSH at the Gorge... and they camped out overnight and are fishing this morning before returning home! I am so glad he got to do this and I hope that they had a BLAST!!! Kaye and I enjoyed a shopping trip together yesterday - she got me to try on all sorts of things I would never actually buy?! LOL?! But - I did end up buying three new summer tops and one pair of khaki bermuda's - all in that (temporary) smaller size! WoOt!

So... the RAK - well, I put the names (minus Chuck*) in a bowl and drew out a name... and so - the Winner is: Kay (kdedid)!!! (It's like you are psychic or something?!) My daughters' WHOLE first name is Kayelyn... and we are both married to Daves' - but I did only put your name in once! LOL! Congrats - um - maybe I should hold this little RAK prize hostage until you send me the SWAP pages?! I got Denices' - (and she was right - they TOTALLY ROCK!!! You all are gonna LOVE them!)... Mine, of course, are all done as well! Apparently Denice and I are not only BFFs - but we are also both OverAcheivers!? LOL! Go Figure!? So - no pressure, Kay!? LOL!? Get me your mailing address via SparkMail and I will ship these pretty Chipboard Letters off to you!

Now that I finished that Donation Album (which goes to the Ranch!), I have birthday pictures and Carrie Underwood pictures to scrap! So - maybe this afternoon, while I have the house gloriously to myself, I will scrap!? (Oh Darcie - I will bring SOMETHING to work on! I still have that Lunch box album, remember?! I will get to work on that so I have something to do!? LOL!)

Scrap On!

*Chuck - you are SO going to have to PROVE this... send me a link to your SparkPage girlie... and if you do - I have a SPECIAL surprise for you!!!


Anonymous said...

Ooooh, looks like the ablum turned out really cute (no surprise there though)! Love the close up of the horse too.

Ok, I went to sparkpeople, and I am still a member, but the site looks WAY different from when I joined! I didn't see anything that shows when I joined-it was the same time na signed up for weight watchers, a little over a year ago I think?! Just tell me what to send you & you will see. ;o)

Can't wait to have you here!!

Anonymous said...

Hay-time to update here!!
No need to mail my surprise, you will be here soon anyway! :o)

Anonymous said...

Really-NINE DAYS?! Where are you??? I had a kid puking like crazy & a hubby with a cold & still managed to get something out there, lol!
Come back!!