Friday, December 21, 2012

Snowfall... Winter has arrived!

As I was dropping my daughter off at school, I turned the corner and immediately caught my breath!  The sun - all Tangeriney and neon was just sneaking up the hillside to peak over the top - it hadn't quite caught a glimpse yet - but the hill was glowing with morning glory!  I reached to my passenger seat only to remember that I had once again brought the camera in the house and left it there!

By the time I got home, the sun had gone up and over the top and was hiding behind clouds hanging low... and yet I captured in my mind the vision of winter white frosty snow - all aglow with sunbathed glory!  It also forced me to take a few minutes in the midst of a busy day to SLOW DOWN (see? I DO take my own advice every now and then!) and snap some winter wonderland shots around our house!

With the recent Snowfall... winter has arrived - and oh my - it is JUST in time!


How about where you are? Is it beginning to look a lot like Christmas yet? I'd love to hear!

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