Thursday, May 29, 2008

Alright... I guess I can update?!!??

I know... it's been awhile - lots has happened... Cook was crowned King - after that finale night, I thought Little David had it in the bag, but I did find myself voting for David Cook as apparently millions of others did too!
Last Friday night, Kaye and I went to see Josh Turner and Carrie Underwood in concert. We were sitting up high - but close to the stage and it was a sold out show so it was very close quarters - but it was a GREAT show!!! Josh Turner - while he is a bit too country for me, was very good - I enjoyed some of his songs, and he seemed very down to earth and kind... and I will have to admit when he sang that one song about turning the lights down low... well, he looked pretty sexy somehow?! LOL! At least that is what the majority of the crowd must have thought?! The screaming at a star was a new concert experience for Kaye?! I mean, I am sure some people think Toby Mac or Jeremy Camp are cute - there is not really that type of frantic crying going on!? Carrie Underwood was incredible! She sounded just as good if not better in person than on her Cds and she put on a great show! Kaye loved how she rose up from under the stage and she LOVED all the Costume changes too! It was a blast!

We also got to spend a few days with the Beeler's over the weekend and that was great... the girls got to go out for lunch and do a bit of shopping ...and visiting, and the boys got to golf and, um - golf again?! LOL! Kaye had yet another sleep over for her birthday with Holly and Chloe... they had a great time!

Somehow, ?!, I managed to NOT take pictures again with my own camera?! I don't know what sort of freaky voodoo trance that Chuck puts over me - but somehow it seems I am ALWAYS having to wait for her and that stinkin' EasyShare!? sigh... whatever?! When we go there in a few weeks - I am SO bringing my camera EV ER RY WHERE!!?!??! (so help me?!)
On Monday, she decided that she wanted her "Skip Day" to be on Tuesday. Last year, she liked school so much, she opted to skip Skip Day all together so, even though it was short notice, I was excited that she was not done with our little tradition! Once a year, I allow her a Skip Day and we do something fun - just the two of us! In the past we have gone out to breakfast or lunch... gone to a matinee or rented movies... gone shopping... played video games all day... whatever she wants! Of course - this time - after a somewhat expensive weekend and with no notice, going shopping out of town was not an option this year!? She didn't care... we just got to sleep in, wake up slow together and chat... we went and got chinese takeout and rented a movie... it was very low key and very relaxing (and made a nice 3 day weekend into a NIiiiice FOUR day wknd!) Which made Wednesday that much harder?!
I haven't really done much in scrapping over the past couple of weeks... I did finish those Swap pages... and I have done a couple of Digi's for Challenges...

I have those concert photo's ordered to scrap 'in real life' and then, of course - I will be WAITING for Chuck and those damn pictures?! LOL!? I also have all of Kaye's birthday pictures to organize and scrap... so hopefully next week I will get to do some personal scrapping! I also need to make some new items for the online store... maybe some more journals and frames... I won a prize from Bella's and have fun things to play with there... and I also got a nice prize pack from iamascrapaholic with tons of fun stuff too... not to mention my little shopping spree over the weekend!? I am planning on working on a donated scrapbook in the next day or two and will post pictures of that soon!

Anyway, we are doing good... I can't believe that Summer is almost upon us! Next year, my little one is officially in Junior High?! How in the world did that even happen?! It's crazy... luckily, she does great in school and she is absolutely loves it! Kaye is helping out one of her friends in campaigning for the school election... her favorite poster she made (that the principal took down already) was: "Voting for Maddie (last name) is like putting on Underwear... it's just that obvious! Vote for Maddie!" LOL!? She is a riot?! The stuff she comes up with?! Dave is keeping busy at work, and with guitar stuff... he recorded a CD - not for sale (yet) but so we can add some samples of his stylings on his website... hopefully we will get those sound bytes loaded soon! He is scheduled to play on the First Friday again... and with summer coming - hopefully he will be able to add a few more gigs around town! As for me, I am keeping on with my new lifestyle - I have lost 32 pounds so far and am finally (praise God!) out of that dreaded same size clothes that I was stuck in for 13 years?! In fact, I am in need of buying a few more tops that actually fit, and possibly another (still smaller size?) pair of jeans or shorts. I am amazed at how doable this is and how once I was truly ready and willing - the work is not so overwhelming!
With summer approaching - I am a bit apprehensive about my routine and the challenge I may face with the interruption of scheduling... but I know I can do it!

So - what have you been working on?! Anything scrap related?! Any new techniques or products you have played with lately!? Oh - as a little bonus - I have a RAK for a comment from a SparkPeople member here... I will just give ya a couple of days to leave a comment and will draw a name and let you know if you won! Many of you claim to stalk me... well - let's just see about that?! LOL!? C'mon - don't be shy! Here's what you will win:
Creative Imaginations Anthology Chipboard letters! So fun!

Scrap Happy!


Michele said...

I am so jealous you got to see Carrie Underwood! Glad you got things updated. BTW mine is updated! FINALLY!!! lol I love the book of the little baby. SOOOOO CUTE!! You really do awesome work! I will be sending my pics with my swap pages. Oh yeah, guess I better be doing those swap pages huh?! lol Love ya!

Denice said...

The baby book is great! Do you really love the bind-it-all? Is it the Zutter?
My lastest projects have been making 14 thank-you cards, 5 graduation cards, and I finished and mailed my swap pages...which IMHO, ROCK! I'm thinking of using the Zooballoo cart. to make a name plaque....I saw a pic of one and it was the cutest thing!
I am stalking you and I would all the way to PA, in a horse and buggy too! And I'd get you to talk to me by offering you something chocolate! Sounds kinda creepy, in a BFF kind of way!!!! LOL!

Kay aka kdedid said...

Well now, I don't think I can top Denice's stalking comments. But it is rather eery that that your daughter and I share the same name. Does her middle name happen to be Lynn? And you and I are both married to Dave's. I'm thinking that should give me bonus points in a random drawing of names for a RAK. I too like your baby book and what cute cards you have to sell.

I still haven't taken new pics of me for the swap, will work on this weekend. Denice is such an overacheiver. I think I'm the gang procrastinator...Kay

Anonymous said...

HAY! You already got those pictures!? Easyshare trance, lol- you funny lady!

I'm sitting her looking through my huge pile of pictures that just arrived this afternoon, looking for a layout to use the cute birdies on. :o) I should win this rak too, I was actually a spark member way before you joined. I just joined, played around there for a few weeks & forgot about it, lol!

I'm going to try & scrap this weekend-first time in forever it seems. Are you going to bring abything to play with when you're here or will you still be all caught up? :op

Had a blast shopping & hangin' out with you, can't wait to see you again soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting, I looked at the pic's again & noticed that Chloe is wearing ASHLYN'S blue heart sweatshirt! I will have to have a talk with that girl...this may explain why Ashlyn can never find that sweatshirt!!