Saturday, November 24, 2012

So Thankful... and counting on!

I hope you were able to have a full holiday weekend,
sharing memories, enjoying friends and family,
and counting blessings one by one!

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday - hands down!
I love the whole of it!
The food, the family and friends, the tradition,
the turning our attention to the good and the blessings
and the things for which we should give thanks all the time
- but tend to take for granted or simply forget to notice...
all of it!

Thanksgiving is not just a holiday - it's a way of living...
and around here - in this house
- we try to do that on purpose!

Here are some random snapshots of our day
and some along the Cowiche Canyon Trail
where we took our annual
Thanksgiving Family Walk! 

I can't tell you how many decades these little pilgrims have adorned
my Mom's Thanksgiving Table...
I know she bought them when she
was working at Hallmark I believe?!

Black Friday Ads...
mapping our plan of attack!

Food for the soul... 

Morning Bible Reading with the Fam'...
looking up Scriptures on Thankfulness!

Counting Gifts... as Ann calls them!
One by one one by one...
all the way to one thousand
(and then beginning again!)

Cowiche Canyon Trail

My Honey and my Girlie!

November 2012

So Blessed!

 I'd love to hear how you spent your day... and the blessings you counted!


Unknown said...

I, too, love Thanksgiving as I look around and see how truly blessed I am! (I love Black Friday too but in a completely different way! :)

Unknown said...

What beautiful pictures and memories.
Thanks for sharing