I came up with the idea to host a Pinterest Party... in hopes that it would help us to actually MAKE some of the (many!) things we Pin! I had the hardest time picking... there are just Oh So Many ideas!!!
However, I was having a hard time getting guests to RSVP... you know, people are busy... and really - most Pinners just Pin... they don't MAKE?! But I decided to go ahead with it anyway and open my home and get supplies to make a couple of recipes, AND for us all to make a craft or two!
I invited the guests to pick something to either bring to make with us, or to make to share and bring the recipe! I was aiming for 8... so far, I have 6 for sure! Either way - we will have a great time!
I also got some GREAT advice after my last post... it was more like encouragement, really! My brother Robert is a fellow photographer and he encouraged me to get my camera out and simply take a few snapshots. Food... whatever... it doesn't HAVE to require driving somewhere and planning an entire shoot! So - with that in mind, here is what I have been up to this week:
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner! Yum! I am back to juicing and it is so yummy! I juiced mostly for Breakfast and Lunch this week... gearing up for a Juice fast for next week! The only thing I am worried about: lack of COFFEE?!
Crockpot Curry Chicken - OH MY! I got this recipe off of Facebook from my cousin and I am so glad I did! It was DELISH! Definitely will be making this one again!
Surprise! That's my OneWord and look what I got? Happy Mail! My OneWord necklace, and an unexpected book in the mail from a cyber friend... she asked if I had read this yet and I had said amazingly not yet - so she mailed me her own copy! Now that is (Crazy) love!
This is a close up of my necklace... it features my OneWord "surprise"... plus my name, OneWord, and 365!
LOVE it!!!
Valentine Tree (Pinterest)
This is my first attempt... my next one will be a bit more focused on wrapping that wire neatly... but overall you get the idea! Super easy and super cute!
The infamous Sharpie Plate (Pinterest)
LOVED this... in fact, I am buying more to decorate to hand out to neighbors for Valentine's Day. I actually bought MUGS for the party though... so those should be FUN!
So - tomorrow I will make Chocolate filled Strawberries (thanks Pinterest! A twist on Chocolate Dipped Strawberries!) and some Bacon Cheesy Dip... plus whatever anyone else makes and brings and we will spend a couple of hours crafting and just having a good time!
What about you? Are you a Pinterest fan? Do you pin only - or do you actually make some things? (I have made several actually... from hairdo's to headboards, candle holders to recipes!)
Linking up today with Jennifer over at Studio JRU. Click the button to see what others have been up to 'in the studio' this week!

Fun! My friends and I have talked about doing a Pinterest party for ages but we haven't. We definitely need to!
I have been pinning those Sharpie plates and cups myself! Have to try it soon! The pinterest party sounds so fun! I have read CrazyLove...powerful and at the same time it feels like I always knew these things - but at such a deep level I didn't have words for it...
Blessings {coming over from StudioJRU}
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