Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Chatterbox Layouts

Hey there...

Here are my 3 double page Layouts I sent in to Chatterbox... I was one of the Lucky Ten (winning a Kit from CBX... I won "Cottage"!) I sent 6 lo's but Chatterbox posted my 2-Page Layout of our Garden on their Blog...Only one page is posted here... the others were not posted - but are made from teh same kit! So fun!!! I still have left overs too - so I can make MORE!!! (Gotta Love THAT!)

Scrap On!


Corinna said...

They look great! Saw them on CBX! cool beans!!!

~Karrilee~ from Abiding Love, Abounding Grace said...

Thanks Corinna,

Um - how about yours?! Have you scrapped with your kit yet?! (You DID get a kit...!?!?) Do share!!


Anonymous said...

Great layouts! Fun stuff!

~Karrilee~ from Abiding Love, Abounding Grace said...

Thanks Natalie! The Kit was so fun to work with... I was sad when I ran out of pictures?! LOL! I know - I know - I am really sad... I don't even have a stash of back up pictures?! Sigh...