Friday, September 08, 2006

Finally... I have Pictures of OHIO!!!!

Hey there...

Yes - it seems we were ALL in some sort of a funk earlier this week?! I hope and pray that you are all doing better... I know I am feeling more like myself! The Sun truly did come out... (thanks for the lyrics!) I am sorry to hear you have Smoke filled skies in - uh - Ohio... but I am happy to say I am enjoying some sunshine and blue skies here today! Much needed for me... although I am sure rain would be good here as well?!

I am happy to let you all know that I FINALLY have ALL of my "necessary" photo's of our trip to 'Ohio'... I COULD Scrap them now... however - I know - (I KNOW?!) - I SHOULD just wait a little while longer so I have SOMETHING to scrapbook on the first night of my new Scrapbook Group?! LOL!? How sad is that?! I know... and I had the boldness to harass you all in getting them... and now that I have them... and I wait... voluntarily!? It's crazy... and well - IN THEORY, I will wait... but my group won't meet until Sept 21st... SURELY I will have SOMETHING ELSE to scrapbook by then!? Probably... I am supposedly working on that 'secret' project - however - as I feared and suspected, I have not had much response to get the answers/photo's I need from people to actually DO much yet?! I need to get that going though... so I guess maybe I CAN possibly Scrapbook those Ohio pix this weekend?! If I do end up scrapping them - I WILL post some layouts... rest assured Corinna... however - I can almost GUARANTEE you I will not have any Die Cuts on any of them?! LOL!? (OK - maybe ONE - just for you!?) But still... I doubt it?! After all - I put MY Layouts in an ALBUM and people can look through them?! LOL!?

So - yes - this week has been tough... I should have seen it coming really - I was asked to lead/teach next week - and so - it's a given that the enemy would decide NOW would be a good time to thrash and pummel me... he's just so obvious - and yet - I am still caught off guard!? Strange!?

Anyway - so my husband and daughter went out to a baseball game on Tuesday night... were gone until 10pm... of course - as you can all guess - I was watching the US Open! Great Tennis... oh MY! Great Matches all week long... even my own husband is a bit dismayed with me during Tennis Tourney's!? LOL!? I am so not that way - but with Tennis - I get it and I so enjoy watching... anyway - the point is - they were out late - and she had to get up EARLY for school - which is an hour earlier this year - so it's already been a bit difficult?!

Wednesday morning actually wasn't TOO bad... but then they both had church on Wed night as well... my husband had choir practice - and daughter had Bible study... another peaceful quiet night of tennis... (Mind you - I had not yet received all of my pictures yet... so I did work on a "Scrap Happy" sign for my promotions of the new Scrapbook Group at church... made each letter into a 12x12 layout... very fun!) So - they didn't get home again until nearly 10...

You guessed it - Thursday was WRETCHED... I kept reminding myself and my hubby that the girl was out late two nights in a row and these early mornings are not yet routine... and still - with all the hormonal shifting and fashion stresses... the hair and eating breakfast, etc. - well - we got her to school - and even with a few minutes to spare... somehow?! Only by the Grace of God... and not one of us actually even cried?! So - in hindsight - it wasn't THAT bad!?

Last night I had Bunko! Again - came home with nothing... I'm not liking that... it's been like three months in a row now?! And SOMEONE decided that when we play - if I roll a Bunko... then my current partner gets credit for that one too... that translates to meaning that I am pretty sure for at least two of the past three months - I SHOULD have won the Most Bunko prize (that BEST one!) except someone else had more Bunko's on paper - so I didn't get anything... which is GREAT if you didn't get all your Bunko's on your own... But I have!? LOL! Oh well... next month it is at my house - and I think I am changing the rules?! We'll see?! Still - I thought I would come home to a quiet house - with a daughter in bed, and I could watch the end of the Federer/Blake match... um - no... everyone was STILL up - and reading... and when I went to watch me some Tennis - it was OVER?! Sadly - Blake lost - I was hoping he would at least make Roger have to go to 5 sets?!

I have been trying to get myself into a better routine of exercise this week as well... so my plan is to hit the gym three times a week and twice a week I walk at a park... made it everyday this week... feeling pretty good about that too... even with the blisters on the bottoms of my feet and the need for a quick ponytail in the mornings minus any makeup before leaving the house...

I need to work on non-scrap stuff this weekend really - need to pray and find out what God wants me to teach on on Tuesday - and prepare that... as usual the Laundry awaits... and I should really consider dusting and vacuuming the entire house again... I am sure it's been over a week or so...

Next week - nearly all of my weekly meetings/schedule will be in place...
Mondays - Exercise/Bible study in my home/Groceries, errands, etc
Tuesday - Exercise/Prayer Group/Study time/SCRAP!?
Wednesdays - Exercise/(in two weeks - Bible study at church)/ SCRAP?!
Thursdays - Exercise/FREE TIME?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! SSSShhhhhhhh
Fridays - Exercise/FREE TIME!?!?!??!?!??! It can't be true?!

I am sure - on one of those 'free' days I will end up cleaning the house and all of that fun stuff... but I keep thinking if I wait to do that on the weekend - I can employ my daughter and dh to pitch in a bit?! We'll see?! At least while she is not doing any sports or anything extra... I am a firm believer in the whole house working together...

So - today?! Well - it's Friday - and I already exercised... need to do some dishes, laundry, etc. I am going out to lunch with my sister and a friend - New Thai - YUMMY!!! AND - it's Friday... so that means dinner out too... I do not cook on Fridays!!! Of course - this weekend we have the finals in the US Open... we have our all church BBQ after church - which is a bit touchy here in this house as it is happening DURING the Seahawks Season Opener... we'll tape it - and not ask our "Precious daughter" to be in charge of that one... plus - of course - Sunday night will be the US Open finals...

I do need to scrap those Ohio pix - and work more on that secret project as well... (Hint, hint DarcEE... Hello!?) I also need to make up some cards as I have SEVERAL Birthdays coming up this month... not to mention making some mini albums for gifts for those said birthdays?! LOL!? Or maybe I will make some card sets... those are easier and these people will actually USE cards - and yet - I doubt they will add photo's to a pre-made album!? Sad... I know!?

Anyway - I am off to get ready for a relaxing yummy lunch! Have a blessed weekend, Ladies!
Scrap Happy!



Corinna said...

Umm..... not scrapping them until W?H?E?N???? exactly????
surely you want to stay up all night one night and get them scrapped... NOW!
If you stayed up all night one night would that throw off your schedule???
It totally messes up mine!
dang it.....

The Beeler Family said...

When does this scrapping group start? Your house is not much farther than Natalies, maybe I will "pop" over, LOL!

Gotta loves those days/weeks when you realize theya re super grumpy because they have been staying up too late. Good times...

Glad you have your beautiful pictures of senic Ohio, have fun scrappin' them!

The Beeler Family said...

Here's your friendly little update reminder, lol!

Honestly now, if *I* have time to update you must have a few spare moments!?