October 17th...
Captured & Counted!
When we picked this date,
I must admit -
it was partly because
my Hallmark calendar
that year said that it was
"The Sweetest Day!"
That Hallmark...
they got it right,
once again!
October 17th, 1992...
MY Sweetest Day
(Well... the beginning of all the
Sweetest Days to come!)
On our Wedding Day,
my Mom wrote us each a letter...
which we still get out
- every year & read together!
I hope to pass on this tradition when
my girlie finds her own "My Honey" one day!!

Isn't he pretty incredible?
I am the one honored
to be his bride!
Today we celebrate our
Wedding Anniversary
- where 20 years ago,
I literally DID
Capture & Count
myself an amazing husband!
I have now lived over half of my life
with this man who captured my heart,
& still holds it safely in his hands
every day!
See? He's even artistic...
...AND smart, too!
1 comment:
LOL I love this one - especially the bird-lips vs. skinny thighs drawing :D
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